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🎨 Styles/✏️ Forms
Updated 24 August 2024
✏️ Forms

A form is a group of related input controls that allows users to provide data or configure options.

multi-switch(9 variants)
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Radio buttons let a user select a single option. Radio buttons let a user select multiple options.

checkbox(8 variants)
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These are our dark themed inputs. We have two styles you can use, a stroke or a fill. Don’t use both in the same project.

input-stroke-light(27 variants)
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These are our light themed inputs. We have two styles you can use, a stroke or a fill. Don’t use both in the same project.

input-fill-light(27 variants)
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Figma notes
Icons right and left are boolean properties that can be switched on and off. There is also a boolean option to turn on a password string, and hide the label. You can use these inputs without a label, but only when there’s one or two inputs within a form