Updated 24 August 2024
CardView FigmaView FigmaView FigmaView FigmaView FigmaView Figma
Style cards are snowflake components that should only be used on the cover page of the documentation site.
Card elements contain more complex UI and may have actions within them. They can also act as a single `CTA`.
view-swatch(7 variants)
These are the component cards on the library dashboard page.
component-tile(2 variants)
site-card(2 variants)
Style cards are snowflake components that should only be used on the cover page of the documentation site.
style-card(8 variants)
These pricing cards exist on the plans page. They have a selected and default states amd contain both the yearly and monthly pricing options.
pricing-card(10 variants)
These cards are used in the larder when users add a library. There are many different states to consider here.
library-card(8 variants)
Figma notes
The info button links to our "how to" page on the .com site. The email state will trigger after 10 minutes of loading.
The contact is on the error state will open the Hubspot modal.